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Experienced Law Firm for Over 26 Years


We are Passionate About Helping Our Clients Get the Best Compensation

We are promptly committed to resolving confidential issues, offering our customers loyalty, sincerity, fairness and flexibility. We accurately assess the nature of our client’s problem and our chances of success from the very first meeting.
Intellectual Property Case


We have managed to prevent one of the competing companies from using the name similar to our company name

Debts Recovery Case


In a difficult time, in economic crisis, we managed to recover a debt of almost EUR 200,000, which was totally executed from the debtor. Reprezenting our client with succes in front of Commercial Arbitrage, first phase, then in front of Court of Appeal, and ultimately in front of the Supreme Court, our client, already in bankrupcy by the time the Supreme Court ruled, was able to first pay all the creditors, then to divide the remaining assets and capital to the shareholders.

Insolvency Case

Environment Safety

During the period of insolvency we managed to recover significant debts, we completed the work started by the company and contracted new sources, successfully capitalized the company’s assets and reduced the losses. Applying an eficient and complex reorganization plan, the company is avoiding bankrupcy, while executing contracts, from 2015 to prezent days.

Liability Case

Waste Management

We have been able to prevent corporate managers from being accountable for the company’s debts, despite the considerable efforts of a non – friendly liquidator. In the first judicial phase, their were sentenced to pay the whole sum of debt, but we declared appeal and won the case, definitely absolving our clients.

Focusing on getting the best case compensation for you


Years of Experience In this period, our law office provided legal counseling and reprezentation for our Clients, in many types of legal issues.


Languages We communicate in Hungarian, German, English and Romanian, draft and translate documents from / into these languages .


Corporate Cases From industrial, commercial, construction law to financial law, our office was able to provide personalized advice and solution for our Clients in more than 45 corporate cases

Our Lawyers

The Team is specialized in international cases, having the experience to provide the best approach tailored to each particular clients needs. We speak the customers language: german, english, hungarian, and romanian.

Cornelia VARGA

Senior Partner
graduated the Law School at the University in Bucharest, promotion 1991. Obtained the Master in Business Law at the Law School at the West University in Timisoara. Since 1991 she is registered at the Bar Timis, having the right to form conclusion in front of any court in Romania, including the High Court of Cassation and Justice.




Senior Partner 

graduated the Law School and Public Administration at the West University in Timisoara, promotion 2007. In 2008 he became a probationer lawyer within the Lawyer`s Office Varga Cornelia. Since March 2010, definitive lawyer, with the right to form conclusions in front of any court in Romania, including the High Court of Cassation and Justice.



Why Should You Take Action Immediately?

Do not postpone solving legal issues because they will not solve for themselves. Do not try to solve them yourself, because you will not save money. Do not waste your time running for documents or sitting in court rooms. Call for professional help!  

What our Clients Say

The attorneys represented in Romania our two companies. They did the whole administration of property and claims. I decided to work with them for their excellent professional knowledge and linguistic skills. We were most satisfied with their work.

Zoltan Csallo, Ducat IFN SA

Our Clients

Visit us


Baader St. 1, Apt.20, Timisoara, Romania


+40.722.354.394        +40.743.630.529


Monday-Friday: 9:00 – 17:00

Varga & Molnar Law Office

Cabinetul nostru se află pe strada Enrik Baader, nr.1, et. 2, ap.20.
În cazul în care veniţi cu autoturismul, dinspre sensul giratoriu de la punctele cardinale, spre Calea Lugojului, pe Bulevardul Take Ionescu, la prima intersecţie după ce treceţi prin faţa sediului Inspectoratului de Poliţie al Judeţului Timiş, vă veţi incadra în banda din stânga, veţi efectua virajul stânga şi intraţi pe strada Enrik Baader.

Strada Enrik Baader este o stradă cu sens unic. Imediat ce aţi intrat în stradă, pe partea stângă a sensului de mers sunt locuri de parcare. În cazul încare nu veţi găsi loc de parcare, intraţi în prima curte, aflată între şase case, printre care şi Baader nr.1. În afară de Bulevardul Take Ionescu, în zona nu se percepe taxă de parcare.

Accesul în clădire se face prin uşa cea mai apropiată de B-dul Take Ionescu.